About Lee Anne Haggard
I am 45 years old and live on the beautiful Gold Coast, Australia with my 2 beautiful girls and Husband Simon.
I have been a successful business owner for the past 20+ years, 10 of those in the Design & Website Industry.
I have a huge passion for helping others.
I had been looking for a way to take my current business to the next level. So I started attending a lot of Networking events with motivational speakers - my favourite being Kurek Ashley, started religiously writing my personal and business goals down daily, creating vision boards and overall changing mine and my teams’ attitudes. These things have really changed the way I look at life.
For those of you who have watched "The Secret", you would know about the law of attraction: "What you think about, you bring about" - thoughts become things!! This for me has really improved my life, my team’s life and my family’s life beyond reality.
So this brings me to why I decided to become part of this fantastic Home Business over 15 years ago. The whole philosophy behind the fantastic products the company has available has brought such personal and financial wealth to my family and so many people around me, I just couldn't pass up this opportunity.
The whole idea is to use the products, develop yourself personally and the financial wealth comes as a natural progression.
This business is built on a well-established support network - we all work in a team of successful business owners who are here to help you succeed. The great thing about this is that we all come from such varied backgrounds and expertise.
I have since sold my traditional business of 10 years and am now working this business solely. I have turned my past yearly income into my monthly income and then some. This business has truly changed my life and my family’s life in every way. Not only financially, but personally health wise, fitness and vitality.

Tell us about the Loving Life Now concept.
BeTheBoss.ca: How and when did you become involved with Loving Life Now
Lee Anne Haggard: 15.5 years ago, I started my Business. I stumbled across it randomly and I instantly fell in love with the Industry of Personal Development and the massive Opportunity that this business offered financially as well.
BeTheBoss.ca: What was your background prior to joining Loving Life Now
Lee Anne Haggard: I owned a successful Franchise in Building Websites & Email Marketing. I was a designer and loved being creative. I ran this business for 10 years, but over time I lost my passion with it due to it becoming highly competitive.
BeTheBoss.ca: What are some of the advantages in being a Loving Life Now Business?
Lee Anne Haggard: We are based in a massive growing industry worldwide! There are no areas. No restrictions! No territories! You get to grow & learn as you earn. No experience required. Learn everything you need when you get started. There are no sales targets or quotas. You will be part of an amazing global community of people who all assist each other succeed and not compete against each other.
BeTheBoss.ca: Tell us a little about the Loving Life Now Market?
Lee Anne Haggard: We are based in the Personal Development & Leadership Development Industry, which is a 130+ Billion -dollar industry*. Our market & clients are ever changing, so you always have new people to talk to.
*Source: Precedence Research and Future Market Insights publications.
BeTheBoss.ca: What are some of the greatest lessons you’ve learned in growing this franchise?
Lee Anne Haggard: That the more I work on myself and show up as my best self, the better results my business achieves. So it all starts with the 6 inches between your ears. Also, that marketing is not hard. If you can learn to generate 1 lead, you can duplicate this and create 1000s of leads to speak to in your business.
BeTheBoss.ca: What advice do you have for someone looking to acquire a Loving Life Now Franchise?
Lee Anne Haggard: What we offer is an outside the box opportunity. Look at it with fresh eyes. Think of this as an opportunity to create something better for you, but also a vehicle to assist others in creating what they desire. It is not an MLM or Pyramid Scheme.
BeTheBoss.ca: In your opinion, why do you think that Loving Life Now would be a great opportunity?
Lee Anne Haggard: Being part of our Business and Community enables someone to take control back of their life, their future, and really create what they desire in life. True Autonomy and Freedom.