Have you considered subscription-based franchising?
Modern consumers value convenience. They have busy...
Running a franchise business gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to master their own destiny and be their own boss, within a supportive environment complete with ongoing training, centralized supply contracts, managed marketing and a non-competitive peer network. Franchising is a less risky entry into self-employment than setting up an independent business, and this is one reason so many Canadians are taking the plunge.
However, making a success of a franchise business requires absolute commitment, not only in terms of time, money and effort, but in maintaining consistency with the brand's values and standards. Customers who opt to visit a franchise rather than an independent business do so because they know what to expect, and this familiarity breeds loyalty and increases customer satisfaction. For this reason, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must always strive to maintain the highest standards.
How to stay true to your standards in franchising
Secure a stable supply chain
Consistency in products is as vital to customer satisfaction as consistency in service, so establishing a stable supply chain is a fundamental priority for franchise businesses. Sourcing, distributing and storing products must be centrally managed, with any issues reported as quickly as possible so they can be resolved before customer satisfaction is impacted in any way.
Prioritize brand values over rapid growth
Growing the business should never come at the expense of its values, which means franchisors must carefully assess all prospective franchisees and their locations to ensure that they will enhance the brand and remain true to its essence. It is always better to reject unsuitable candidates and locations than it is to risk harming the brand's image for the sake of bringing in another franchise fee.
Get to know your customers
Staff must be trained to value and respect their customers, learning about them and making them feel welcome on every visit. They must take the time to listen to their needs, talk about their lives and become a part of their routine. By delivering exceptional customer service during every visit, you will establish an incredibly loyal customer base, which can ease cash flow forecasting and secure the future of your business.
By focusing on these three areas, franchisors and franchisees alike will benefit from the presence of a collaborative and supportive working environment that shares common values, always striving to achieve success but never compromising on the brand's standards.