Look for reasons to be happy
Life may seem bleak at the moment. The news is full of...
The concern with any new franchise is how you'll get the word out there to the customers you need to thrive and grow your business. While your franchisor may help you by advertising on a national level, you need to reach the people in your community who will become your customer base, and this is where advertising will come in.
Your franchisor may have rules about how and when you can market, so be sure to review those rules before you place any ads. Most franchisors will allow you to do local advertising on your own, but you still must do so in line with any restrictions the franchisor has placed on ad content and placement.
A local paper
People still read local papers, especially the free or low-cost ones meant for area residents only. Ask the local paper for your franchise's area about placing and running an ad.
Since you are a new business to the community, you may be asked to participate in an article about your new location, and that's even more exposure for your grand opening. If you are asked to take part in an article about your business, make sure you are prepared for the piece. You don't want to give the impression that you are unsure about running the business, even if you may still be at this stage.
Social media platforms
It's easier now than before to target people in specific regions using social media adverting. Facebook, for example, offers businesses several tools to limit their ads to users in certain areas and demographics. Set up a business profile page on Facebook for your location and use that profile to advertise your new business and opening day to people in the area.
On the ground
Ask nearby businesses if you can post any flyers about your new location and its grand opening. This is also an opportunity to connect with other businesses in the area you may be able to work with. Of course, try to make sure you hit businesses that are complementary to yours in some way but not direct competition.
Advertising is a key way to get customers through your doors once you've opened. Make sure you spread the word about your new business as far and wide as you can in your area so you're ready to build your customer base.