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Solid yet affordable lead generation is a vital part of any franchise development. Qualified clients can't come to you if they don't know your opportunity exists. Luckily, the shift of lead generation from live events and print media to online resources allows you to expand your reach without digging through your pockets. Since the Internet is a big place, focus on the outlets that are proving fruitful in the marketing world for the best results.
According to professional sales speaker Gavin Ingham, "If you want a successful business, you need to utilize as many methods of lead generation as you can." The constant linking between major social media portals, such as Youtube and Google+, makes it easy to advertise your opportunities to a large target audience across multiple platforms at the same time.
Major franchise information portals, such as BeTheBoss.ca, are an inexpensive way to reach qualified prospective franchisees across a large territory who are genuinely interested in owning their own business. You can use portals to immediately distribute information and speak directly to those who are searching for opportunities in your area.
Offer free online workshops to reach out to potential clients. Let the events showcase your specific expertise while answering questions about the business. Your drive, knowledge and passion on display is an effective marketing tool on its own. Be available after the workshop using email and chat programs to answer any additional questions and make direct contract with potential clients.
Don't be quick to discard warm leads. Gleanster Research reported that about half of all qualified leads simply are not ready to commit yet. You must nurture your relationship with a qualified lead to generate the sale.
To develop a solid nurturing program, you'll first need to create a complete picture of your ideal client. Use market research, including online activity and past successes and failures, to get an idea of whom your perfect prospect is. Once you've got that down, develop a nurturing strategy based around that idea. An effective strategy address everything from client contact type and frequency, approach methods and information disbursement.
Lead generation is both an art and a science. Keep in mind that the process may take longer than expected to generate a steady stream of qualified individuals. Patience, creativity and market research all come into play when you're trying to reach a large audience without breaking the bank.