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When you're searching for a Canadian franchise, you've got a lot of things to consider, including price range, location and industry. But even with all these things on your mind, it can still be difficult to determine the right opportunity for you.
As you work to find your franchise fit, here are even more ways you can determine which brand is best for you.
You can visualize owning it easily
When you to visit a franchise location or spend the day shadowing a franchisee, can you see yourself owning and operating the same business? If not, it's probably not the best opportunity for you, no matter how good it seems on paper. You should be able to see yourself doing and enjoying the work that goes into owning and operating that franchise.
You can afford it
Sure, you might be able to handle the initial costs, but will you have breathing room? A new franchise is like any other new venture in the sense that it will take some time to produce a profit. If you won't have anything left over to weather this downtime after you cover the upfront costs, it's time to look for another opportunity.
You have a potential patron pool
For your business to thrive, you'll need a location or territory that has enough potential customers for your new business. Ask the franchisor about the market analysis of the area your franchise will be in and review that data. Speak to current franchisees about their existing area to find out if they are happy with it and if there are enough customers.
You have the right skill set (or will)
Your current skill set should be a good match for the franchise. If it isn't, there needs to be training in place so you can get to where you need to be. In addition, the skill sets required for the franchise should be something you want to learn if you're not already familiar with it. If you're not sure just what the franchise will require, ask existing successful franchisees about their skill sets and backgrounds.
To increase your success as a franchisee, it's important to find an opportunity that meshes with your business and personal criteria. Once you find the right fit, you will greatly increase your chances of running a successful business and feeling satisfied at the same time.