Why you must prepare for uncertainty
The last 5 years have taught us about uncertainty and...
There are many reasons to feel down at the moment. Rates are soaring, customers are cash-strapped and good employees are hard to find. However, allowing that attitude to permeate your business is not helpful. To succeed in the franchise business - or any business, for that matter - you need to create a happy environment that staff and customers want to be a part of.
Why a happy business is profitable
Customers are more likely to frequent a business that makes them feel welcome, eases their burden, and puts them in a better mood when they leave than when they entered. They are more likely to remain loyal to your brand if you address their needs with a positive can-do attitude and a smile.
Happy employees are more productive, more inclined to look for ways to go above and beyond the call of duty, and more loyal. They are also more likely to stay with a business, even when times are tough, and they take less time off for illness.
How to create a happy environment
There are many effective methods of creating a warm, welcoming culture. By incorporating these methods into your modus operandi, you should see an improvement in staff morale, customer loyalty and profitability.
Provide feedback
Tell your staff and customers that they are important to you. Use your social media feeds to promote the good work that your employees have performed and to praise your customers for sticking by you. Publicly and privately recognize and appreciate the people who keep your business going, and they will continue to do so.
Be present
As the owner of your business, you are its face, so you need to be out among your staff and customers, not locked in an office double-checking orders, payroll and expenses. When your employees see you engaging with the business and its customers, they are more likely to emulate your behaviour.
Be trusting
Your staff and customers will provide valuable feedback about the way in which your business operates, and this can help you improve. Trust that the feedback that you are given is provided in good faith, assess it on its merits, and decide how to implement any changes that have the potential to add benefit.
Give choices
Allowing your staff to set their working hours and location contributes to their happiness and job satisfaction. If possible, survey your staff to ensure they are content with their current working pattern. If modifications are necessary and can be accommodated, doing so may boost productivity.
Promote teamwork
Rewarding individuals is important to recognize a job well done, but it is just as important to reward teamwork. When your employees come together to deliver, they build bonds that are hard to break, learn to trust each other, and develop a strong connection to your business. Rewarding them for this behaviour reinforces that teamwork is desirable.