Look for reasons to be happy
Life may seem bleak at the moment. The news is full of...
Is there a reason you aren't as successful as you want to be? If so, there's a good chance that your reason is actually an excuse, and until you stop coming up with those excuses, you won't be able to move forward and achieve the success you are capable of.
You're tired, there aren't enough hours in the day, you have caring responsibilities, you don't know how to improve. these are just some of many reasons entrepreneurs cite for not achieving their dreams. However, these are really just excuses, and the great thing about excuses is that you can do something about them.
You're tired: Prioritize self care. Go to bed early, take a multivitamin, exercise, and don't stay up late staring at a screen. People don't work well when they are tired, but getting more sleep is entirely within your control - unless you have a newborn, but this stage will eventually pass!
There aren't enough hours in the day: There are 24 hours in every day. Most people are awake for 16 of them. The trick is making the most of these waking hours. Make a to-do list and prioritize it. Determine which jobs are essential and make sure they get done. Delegate other jobs. Break the jobs down into manageable chunks, and you will find it easier to tackle them.
You have caring responsibilities: Most people have caring responsibilities. Factor them into your day and plan how you will achieve your goals around them. Perhaps you will need to work early mornings and in the evening, or maybe you have a two-hour gap in the middle of the day when children are napping. Use the time that you have effectively, and you will be amazed at what you can achieve.
You don't know how to improve: There is no time like the present to learn. Identify what areas you need to work on, then find mentors or training courses that will address those development needs. Speak to your franchisor and ask for their advice. They may be able to guide you to appropriate support that will help you thrive.
When you are a franchisee, you are never alone. There is a whole network of people who are happy to help you, but first you must help yourself. Shelf the excuses, make a plan, break it down into achievable segments and pursue it rigorously. When you achieve success, it will be even sweeter thanks to the effort you have expended.