For an investment starting at only $25,000, we offer you everything you need to get started:
The Best Flex Coatings business opportunity is offered under a license and support agreement with the benefits and convenience of a franchise system, but without the royalties and limitations. Your business can be run as a home-based operation with low overhead and entry costs as an added benefit.
Best Flex Coatings PX-100 is the next generation of high performance flooring/coatings. It is a highly versatile flooring/coatings solution with virtually limitless possibilities.
PX-100 is a two component, fast cure, 100% SOLID, zero VOC POLYASPARTIC COATING. It is designed as a decorative and highly appealing, yet durable coating system for residential, commercial and industrial applications. Specifically formulated for concrete surfaces, it provides superior performance and advantages vs. EPOXIES, and more traditional pre-engineered roll on flooring options.
No matter what your application, PX-100 will protect your investment for years to come.